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Non-Native? No Problem! Master Business English for Effective Facilitation!

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Audio: Facilitation

Facilitation plays a vital role in the corporate world. Whether you are leading a meeting, conducting a training program, or coordinating an event, you need to master the art of facilitation to keep the discussions focused, engaging, and productive. As a facilitator, you need to manage multiple objectives, handle different personalities, and steer the conversation towards an agreed outcome. Using effective business expressions is key to achieving success in your facilitation role. In this blog post, we will introduce ten essential business expressions that will help you become a skilled facilitator in the business world.


1. "I would like to set the tone of this meeting as open and collaborative."

As a facilitator, it is crucial to establish an open and collaborative atmosphere for this meeting. By setting the right tone from the beginning, we can foster a positive and constructive environment where all ideas are not only welcome, but encouraged to be discussed. For example, we can use the following expression: "Setting the tone of inclusivity and collaboration, let's create a safe space where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and opinions. Together, we can build upon each other's ideas and work towards achieving our goals." This approach will help align everyone's mindset and encourage effective brainstorming during our team-building session.

2. "Let's keep our discussions solution-focused."

When conversations might veer into complaints or negativity, it's crucial to steer the group back to a constructive path proactively. To effectively guide everyone towards the primary objective of finding solutions, it is helpful to use this expression: "While it's important to acknowledge and address the challenges we face, let’s collectively channel our energy and efforts into identifying practical solutions that can empower us to move forward and achieve our goals." By emphasizing the importance of focusing on actionable solutions, we can foster a more productive and positive environment for problem-solving.

3. "I encourage everyone to contribute their unique perspectives."

Encouraging diversity of thought is not only vital but also instrumental in fostering practical brainstorming sessions. This powerful phrase plays a pivotal role in creating an inclusive environment where all voices are not only heard but also genuinely valued. By acknowledging and appreciating everyone's unique and diverse experiences, we can bring a myriad of valuable insights to the table, enriching our discussions and propelling innovation. So, let's embrace and celebrate different viewpoints, knowing that they hold the potential to ignite creativity and drive our collective success forward.

4. "Can we dive deeper into that idea?"

When a potentially great idea is brought up, use this expression to show your genuine interest and encourage further exploration. By acknowledging the contribution and mentioning the person's name, such as "That's an interesting point, Sarah," you create a positive atmosphere that values everyone's input. Then, suggest diving deeper into that idea and exploring its potential impacts, demonstrating your eagerness to fully understand its possibilities and implications. This approach fosters collaboration and invites the team to actively engage in brainstorming and problem-solving discussions.

5. "Let’s take a step back and look at the bigger picture."

This technique becomes particularly useful when discussions become excessively detailed or deviate from the main topic. It serves as a valuable tool to redirect the group's attention back to the overarching objective. For example, by acknowledging the importance of these specific details, we can also take a step back and examine how they align with our broader strategy. This holistic perspective ensures that our actions remain in harmony with our long-term goals and vision.

6. "How does this align with our goals?"

This question serves as a valuable tool to ensure that the discussion remains focused on the company's objectives. It can be effectively utilized to gently guide conversations back to the main agenda when they start to deviate. For instance, when someone brings up an interesting point, we can acknowledge its relevance while also emphasizing the importance of considering how it aligns with our quarterly goals. This way, we ensure that our discussions remain purposeful and in line with our overarching objectives. Keeping our goals in mind also helps us stay motivated and focused on achieving them, as we are constantly reminded of the bigger picture and the impact our decisions can have on it.

7. "I appreciate your honesty and openness."

This expression is crucial when dealing with sensitive topics or when someone shares a bold or unpopular opinion. It plays a significant role in fostering a safe and inclusive environment that encourages open communication. By acknowledging and appreciating the courage it takes to voice a different perspective, we create a space where diverse opinions are valued and respected. So, next time you encounter such a situation, you can say, "Thank you for sharing that perspective. I truly admire your courage in expressing a different opinion, and I believe it's through these conversations that we can broaden our understanding and grow as individuals."

8. "Let's prioritize our action items."

Towards the end of a meeting, it is beneficial to use this approach to shift the focus towards actionable outcomes. This technique aids in summarizing the key points of the discussion and effectively assigning tasks to ensure progress. For instance, you can say, "Based on our comprehensive and insightful discussion, let us collectively identify and prioritize the action items. This will enable us to establish a clear roadmap with well-defined next steps that align with our objectives, facilitating efficient progress and success."

9. "Could we explore alternative solutions?"

This approach is particularly useful when the team appears to be fixated on a single approach, limiting their ability to explore other possibilities. By encouraging creative thinking and problem-solving, it opens up avenues for innovative solutions that may have otherwise been overlooked. A suggested way to utilize this approach is by stating, "This solution has merit, but could we also explore some alternative approaches to ensure we’ve covered all bases? It's important to explore various options to maximize our chances of success and uncover novel solutions that can propel us forward."

10. "Let’s summarize the key takeaways."

At the conclusion of a productive meeting or session, it is crucial to reinforce the main points that were discussed. This practice not only ensures that everyone is on the same page but also helps to solidify understanding of the outcomes and decisions made. By summarizing the key takeaways, we can collectively ensure that all participants are aligned and agree on the next steps and actions that need to be taken. It serves as a valuable opportunity to clarify any uncertainties and address any lingering questions or concerns. So, before we conclude, let's take a moment to summarize the key takeaways and reaffirm our shared understanding of the decisions made and the actions required to move forward effectively.


Mastering the art of facilitation in the business world can be a challenge. However, using effective business expressions is a perfect approach to become a skilled facilitator. It's our pleasure to introduce Loop English - a learning application designed for business English learners. With its effective and extensive resources, facilitators can improve their communication skills, build confidence, and get a deep understanding of business vocabulary and expressions. By applying the ten essential business expressions above and using Loop English, you can become a skilled facilitator, lead successful meetings, and drive your company towards success. Good luck!

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